Wednesday, December 22, 2010


You know those love triangles in books, where the girl is torn between two guys, and you have one preference over the other, and so many others do to, then it goes into a full-fledged battle? People are argueing all over the place about which guy they love?  You know, the Team Edward vs. Team Jacob? Yeah. But now there are so many more! Scroll down and look at my sidebar to see some of the guys I prefer. But, otherwise, here is a list! (Maybe some of these aren't even big, official team things, but........)

-I am on Team Jace from The Mortal Instruments by Cassandra Clare
-The best one.......from The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins, I am on Team Peeta! (I write I love Peeta on my hand daily!)
-Team Ash from The Iron King by Julia Kagawa (Though, I did like Puck!)
-Team Ky from Matched by Ally Condie (I write I love Ky on my hand, too!)
-Team Will from Clockwork Angel by Cassandra Clare (LoveLoveLove him!)

  That's all! Merry Christmas! Tomorrow, I'll do my Mortal Instruments reviews, and then on Christmas Eve......Need and Captivate by Carrie Jones! Also, some pics of my kitty and a BIG Merry Christmas!

1 comment:

Athena said...

I agree on every one of those. Well, okay except for Team Ash; I haven't read The Iron King.