Monday, February 21, 2011

Cover Crazy (2)

Cover Crazy is hosted by Tawni over at The Book Worms. It's a meme hosted each week, and you sign up over at Tawni's blog and then do a post about a cover you love. There's no desginated day, as long as you sign up at The Book Worms, you can do a Cover Crazy post on any day of the week. Head over to The Book Worms to find out more and sign up!

This week I'm crazy for:

Entangled by Cat Clarke!

What I love about this cover:
-The gold design spiraling off if the title
-The girl's hair is bright red and very eye catching
-The way the girl's hand is positioned is very eye catching too (In my opinion)

What cover are you crazy for?


Anonymous said...

I really like her hair too. And how it contrasts with her pale skin.

Gina @ My Precious said...

I do so love this cover. I like how the girl's red hair is covering one eye. The way the designer chose not to capitalize the title is unique and I really like the font. One of my favorite parts is the neat little design on the arm/shoulder or back of the girl. It it a tattoo?